


Administrative Team Goals


The Fairborn City School District's Administrative Team is designed so that all divisions and departments of the Board of Education Office and individual Schools are part of a single team guided by Board policies and vision, implemented through the Superintendent. 

The Board of Education is responsible for specifying its requirements and expectations of the Superintendent, and for holding the Superintendent accountable by evaluating how well those requirements and expectations have been met. In turn, the Superintendent is responsible for clearly specifying the Board's requirements and expectations for all other administrators and for holding each accountable by evaluating how well requirements and expectations are met.

Fairborn's Administrative Goals

1. Manage the District's various departments and programs effectively
2. Provide professional advice and counsel to the Board and to advisory groups established by Board actions, generally through reviewing alternatives, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each and recommending a selection from among the alternatives;
3. Implement the management function so as to ensure the best and most effective learning programs through achieving such other goals as to:
A. Provide leadership in keeping abreast of current education developments;
B. Arrange for staff development necessary to the establishment and operation of learning programs which better meet student needs;
C. Coordinate cooperative efforts for the improvement of learning programs, facilities, equipment and materials and;
D. Provide access to the decision-making process for the ideas of staff, students, parents and others;
4. Develop an effective program of evaluation which includes every position, program and facility in the District and
5. Develop and use a team management approach

(Adoption date: April 10, 2003) Fairborn City Schools Board Policy 


Fairborn City Schools
Board of Education Offices
306 E. Whittier Avenue
Fairborn, OH 45324

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