The Fairborn Board of Education, in partnership with District Staff, Faculty, and Administration, sets the goals and policies of the School District and serve as the elected representatives of our District. Each member is elected by the citizens of Fairborn and residents of the Fairborn City School District. Upon their election, the Board holds an organizational meeting at which they elect officers and designate committee representatives. The Fairborn Board of Education held their most recent organizational meeting on Thursday, January 11, 2024.
To contact the Fairborn Board of Education please call 937-878-3961, as general questions and information can be provided through the District Central Office. You can also email the Board of Education at [email protected]! Your email will be responded to in a timely manner.
President: Mr. Tim Steininger
Vice President: Mrs. Katie Mlod
Committee Representation
FCS Athletic Council: Mr. Jerry Browning and Mrs. Stephanie Webb
Delegate to OSBA Capital Conference: Mr. Tim Steininger
Hall of Honor Selection Committee: Mrs. Stephanie Webb
Hall of Honor Induction Committee: Ms. Wendy Landon and Mrs. Stephanie Webb
OSBA Legislative Liaison: Mr. Tim Steininger
OSBA Student Achievement Liaison: Mrs. Katie Mlod
FCS Public Records Designees: Mr. Kevin Philo and Mr. Gary Walker
FCS Records Commission: Mr. Jerry Browning
FCS Technology Committee: Mr. Tim Steininger
Liaison to the Fine Arts Department: Mr. Jerry Browning and Ms. Wendy Landon
Liaison to the FCS Music Department: Mr. Jerry Browning and Ms. Wendy Landon
The Fairborn Board of Education will meet the first Thursday of each month, with the exception of July, which will be held on July 10, 2025. Meetings will be held at Fairborn High School located at 1523 Commerce Center Blvd., Fairborn, Ohio, 45324, and begin at 5:30 p.m.
Copies of the Board's agendas and minutes are available upon request at the Board of Education Central Office, 306 E. Whittier Avenue, Fairborn, Ohio, 45324. The agendas are also on this site, and are located near the entrance to the Board meetings.
Goals of The Board of Education
Set goals and objectives to achieve desired educational goals
Establish policies for the operation of the school district
Establish the effectiveness of district programs and services
Communicate the needs and progress of the district to the community, educational governing boards, and legislators
Develop a budget consistent with educational needs and community resources
The Superintendent of Schools is employed by the Board to carry out Board policies and to administer the schools on a day-to-day basis. He/She is not a member of the board. The Superintendent is responsible to the Board while all other employees of the district, either directly or indirectly, are responsible to the Superintendent.
The Treasurer/CFO is employed by the Board to administer, in cooperation with the Superintendent, the financial, legal, and contractual business of the school district. He/She is not a member of the Board. The Treasurer reports directly to the Board.