The weather is getting warmer and it is time for the Fairborn Music Club annual spring flower sale. Both Flower baskets and flats will sell for $16 each. We also have Bedding Geranium flats for $18, 6-pack wave petunias which will sell for $9 and patio tomato for $15. This is $2 to $4 less expensive than most nurseries. Questions, contact Jeanne Myers [email protected] or 878-6176 or 902-8990 (cell)
Click here for order form
Click here for photos
If you know anyone in the Fairborn School District who may be interested in hosting an AFS exchange student, please have them contact our new hosting coordinator in Dayton, Heidi Fadul. You can give them her email ([email protected]) or cell number 937-572-1882. I have included below a brief description of just a few of the students that are currently available to place. Upon request Heidi can provide much more detailed information as to these students including their self-introductory letters.