Student Scheduling 2024-2025


Student Scheduling 2024-2025

Fairborn High School 2024-2025 Student Scheduling Dashboard

2024-2025 Fairborn High School Course Registration General Information

When do I Register?

Current Students

High School Course registration for 8th - 11th graders happens each year, typically in January or February and extends into March.  Counselors will do their best to meet with every student to discuss their registered classes. Once completed, no changes will be made to schedules.

Students New to the District

After enrolling in the district, course registration will be done by the students' counselor and the Guidance Office Registrar directly.

Key Dates for 2024-2025 Registration

Paper copies of scheduling materials are expected to be handed out in Advisory/Access on Tuesday, Feb. 14.   
Scheduling account logins will be emailed to students after Skyhawk Connections Night on Feb. 15.  
* A parent/guardian login account will be sent to the primary email that is on file in OneView no later than Feb. 17. 
*COURSE REQUEST ONLINE SUBMISSION DEADLINE is Friday, February 23 for all students. 

The Registration Process

For more information about what to consider and how to plan your course requests visit our Registration Process webpage.

Currently, 8th graders use a paper planning sheet and an online course selection process to choose courses for the next school year. Current high school students use the online system only. Once students have entered their course selections (by the NEW deadline of February 26), the high school will lock the system to allow time for families to review the selections before they are finalized.  Step-by-step written instructions with screen-shots are provided with information about how to select and enter courses in the Public Request system. 

How Do I Get Started?

All of the information students need to enter their high school course requests for next year is here on the web site and on the handouts distributed at school on February 14.  

Click here for information on how to begin the Registration Process.



Counseling Team

Rachel Bishop (A-D)
 (937) 879-3611 x 5109
[email protected]

Melissa Hensel (E-K)

 (937) 879-3611 x 5122
[email protected]

Kristin Drakeford (L-R)
 (937) 879-3611 x 5121
[email protected]

Rachel Ebert (S-Z)                            (937) 879-3611 x 5117
[email protected]

Course of Study

The Course of Study catalog contains most of  the information you need to know about our class offerings and the scheduling process. If you have questions along the way, our counseling  staff will be happy to assist you.

VIEW COURSE of study

Schedule                Changes

Students' course selections are                          finalized after clicking "submit."                            The  courses that are offered and                               teacher staffing next school year                              are largely based on the course                           requests students make, so                            schedule  changes are not likely                                 to be approved in the fall.                                However, schedule changes may                              be approved on a very limited                                basis for the following reasons:

  • A graduation requirement                                                        must be added
  • A student has passed the                                                         class in summer school or in                                             another academic institution
  • Administrator requested withdrawal
  • Student has an incomplete                                                      schedule
  • To remove duplicate classes or fix                                          obvious errors
  • IEP/504/ELL placement                                                            requirements

Student-initiated schedule change                 requests that do not meet these                        criteria will be denied after school                       starts in the fall.  Remember,                                 when you register for a full year                         course, you are committing to 

stay in it for the full year.   

Please choose wisely.



Counseling Team

Taylor Clay (A-F)
(937) 879-3611 x 5117
[email protected]

Kaitlynn Turner (G-N)
(937) 879-3611  
[email protected]

Sharon Jones (O-Z)
(937) 879-3611
[email protected]

Course of Study

The Course of Study catalog contains most of  the information you need to know about our class offerings and the scheduling process. If you have questions along the way, our counseling  staff will be happy to assist you.




We hope to answer as many questions as possible with our registration FAQ page. If you don't find the answer you are looking for, you can email your FHS counselor using the contact information shown above. 

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