We hit our 1 million dollar goal!!!! Lets keep moving forward we are off to a great start.
"Just do what is right"
Fairborn City Schools partnered with Cenergistic and the school board implemented an Energy Conservation Program in January 2012.
This program is comprehensive and behavioral based, this means it takes everyone here at F.C.S. to reduce our energy consumption.
We have avoided spending
in utility cost
since January 2012
That is a 32% reduction in utility cost.
Great job FCS!
The environment thanks you!
Tracking your usage is the first step to saving at home.
You can track your monthly utility bills at home using the
quick link on our home page.
It is a free service!
101 ways to save energy at home: click on the link below.
http://hlmediaworks.com/touchstone/TWS/custom_apps/101_ways_to_save_energy.pdf DID YOU KNOW?
As of Jan. 1, 2014 it is illegal to manufacture 40- and 60-watt incandescent bulbs in the United States or import them.
This is the final phase of the multi-year incandescent phase out - which began with the 100-watt bulb in 2012.
But you can still buy incandescent bulbs while store inventories last.
For more info:
L.E.D. light bulbs are becoming more cost effective. They are more affordable and save energy. The energy saved is comparable to that of the compact fluorescent(curly bulb), but out last them by 2 to 3 times, and they are instant on no more waiting to be able to see.
Did you know the United States is the world's second largest energy consumer?
In 2011, almost half the states in the U.S. had to import electrical energy from other states to meet consumer demand.
Becoming more energy efficient can help enable our states to fulfill our own energy needs. Do your part to become more energy efficient. Visit
www.whitehouse.gov/energy for more information.
A full refrigerator/freezer holds a more consistent temperature and runs more efficiently. Fill the void with old water bottles or milk cartons filled with water, you can always take them out and set aside if you need the space later.
Tracking your usage is the first step to saving at home.
You can track your monthly utility bills at home using the
quick link on our home page.
It is a free service!