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FHS Senior, Jevon DeWitt named National Merit Scholarship Finalist! Congratulations!
FHS Senior, Jevon DeWitt named National Merit Scholarship Finalist! Congratulations!
AP Fair at Fairborn High School
AP Fair at Fairborn High School
Sara Whitehead's 3rd graders sell hot chocolate to raise $1000 for the Fairborn FISH Pantry!
Sara Whitehead's 3rd graders sell hot chocolate to raise $1000 for the Fairborn FISH Pantry!
Rendering of Academic Wing Fairborn Middle School. Thank you Fairborn!
Rendering of Academic Wing Fairborn Middle School. Thank you Fairborn!
Rendering of Media Center Fairborn Middle School! Thank you Fairborn!
Rendering of Media Center Fairborn Middle School! Thank you Fairborn!
Rendering of the front of Fairborn Middle School! Thank you to the Fairborn community!
Rendering of the front of Fairborn Middle School! Thank you to the Fairborn community!
Thank you FHS Counselors for your hard work!
Thank you FHS Counselors for your hard work!
FHS Girl's Swim Team places 1st in the Division for the 5th consecutive year! Congratulations! Thank you Coach Knick!
FHS Girl's Swim Team places 1st in the Division for the 5th consecutive year! Congratulations! Thank you Coach Knick!
Our Fairborn Middle School Skyhawks!
Our Fairborn Middle School Skyhawks!
Our youngest Skyhawks at Fairborn Primary School!
Our youngest Skyhawks at Fairborn Primary School!
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