For the first time since 1806 Ohio will be the site of a total solar eclipse. While many portions of the state will have the opportunity to experience totality, even those outside the path of totality will see 95% or more of the sun eclipsed. Provisions for safe viewing of this once in a lifetime eclipse event are important at every Ohio location.
Upcoming Opportunities
Tuesday February 27, 2024, 4:15 p.m.
Join Dennis Schatz, Former President of the National Science Teaching Association,
co-developer of the NSTA Solar Eclipse resource webpage and co-author of NSTA Press books, Solar Science and When the Sun Goes Dark, key resources for educators during solar eclipses. Dennis will share things that educators should know leading up to the April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse and lesson plans to get students engaged and excited to learn about and experience the eclipse.
Previous Webinar Recordings
Dr. Gordon Telepun, a medical surgeon, has become an expert in viewing and photographing total solar eclipses. In this recording with the Science Team, he shares timeline-based tips as to what you can expect, what you need to be ready and how to get the most out of the total solar eclipse that will occur April 8. 2024.
- The Environmental Education Council of Ohio has curated a newsletter focused on the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse. This newsletter has valuable background information for educators, activities to stimulate student and public engagement with the eclipse and other valuable resources.
- NSTA provides Free web seminars accessible from their Eclipse webpage:
- National Geographic has produced a Solar Eclipse 101 video which provides descriptions of the different types of solar eclipses and tips for viewing.
- The department has provided access to an eclipse bookmark that can be downloaded for distribution to students or community members.
- Accessibility for Visually Impaired ARISA lab has a soundscape app which allows persons with visual impairments to experience eclipses through sound and touch. Light levels are translated to sound and vibrations so progressive stages of an eclipse can be experienced. Can be downloaded from the Google Play or Apple App Store.
The State of Ohio Eclipse Task Force, consisting of numerous state and partner agencies, is preparing for various aspects of the 2024 solar eclipse. The event is expected to draw millions of tourists from throughout the country and the world. Ohio plans to be well-equipped to make the experience educational, enjoyable and safe for both residents and visitors. The task force has created a website with practical and logistical information for making the most of this amazing once-in-a lifetime-event in communities across Ohio. For more information on the event, including safe viewing, lodging, event locations, speakers, and Ohio sites of interest, visit:
The Ohio Department of Development has created a Solar Eclipse Safety Tipsdocument for reference when viewing the eclipse on April 8, 2024. Viewers in every location in Ohio will need to ensure they have proper eye protection when viewing the eclipse. Looking directly at the sun, even during partial phases of an eclipse, can damage the eyes.
NEVER LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN without proper eyewear.
There are many devices used to view eclipses safely. The most familiar are solar eclipse glasses. Other indirect viewing and projection devices are quite popular as well. It is important to check that any viewing device meets safety standards. The American Astronomical Society has information on How to View a Solar Eclipse Safely. NASA also offers a page on Eye Safety During a Total Solar Eclipse.
This video shows a factory tour and interview with the owner of American Paper Optics, one manufacturer of eclipse glasses. The factory tour allows students to see how eclipse glasses are designed and produced.
Where do I go to watch the eclipse? has interactive maps showing locations and events for viewing the eclipse. If your school is in the totality zone, you can plan an eclipse viewing event there.
For those who prefer an informal viewing experience, any open area is good. Plan to get there early and take your time leaving, as traffic is expected to be extremely heavy throughout the state. This is particularly true in totality areas and on major access highways into and out of the state. Traffic could remain heavy into Tuesday.
How long will the eclipse last?
The entire event takes several hours, but the period of totality is relatively short, under 5 minutes. The further you are from the center line, the shorter the totality time. At the center line, it may be 4 or more minutes, but at the edge lines, totality will last just a few seconds. Keep this in mind as you plan your viewing site.
Many events plan to include entertainment and other activities before, during and after the eclipse. Come early and stay late to avoid the worst traffic. The statewide eclipse website contains an interactive map of things to do before and after.
Besides getting dark, what can I expect to experience?
In areas of totality, it will seem like nighttime has arrived midafternoon. It will get dark and the temperature will drop. Animals may be seen exhibiting nighttime behaviors. For example, bats and other nocturnal animals may come out, and diurnal animals may start to bed down for the night. You are encouraged to have students research these phenomena prior to the eclipse and to be on the lookout for them as you participate on eclipse day.
What can I do with my students to teach about the eclipse?
There are many lessons and activities that can be completed with students to help them understand eclipses. See Eclipse Lessons above to find resources to use at various grade levels. Keep watching for updates, as we will be adding material throughout the next several months.
A speaker list will be posted on prior to the 2023-2024 school year. You might also check with a local college, university or amateur astronomy club. Keep in mind that there will be high demand for speakers, especially close to the event.
Where can I purchase eclipse glasses?
The American Astronomical Society has curated a list of Reputable Vendors of Solar Filters and Glasses. Make sure to check the specifications of any viewing device prior to use. There have previously been instances reported of disreputable vendors selling non-compliant eclipse glasses to schools and individuals.

The links below are collections of lessons and activities organized by most appropriate grade band